Weed in the Licensed Market compared to Weed in the Illegal Market from a strength and quality perspective

DeliveryBudz Team
August 8, 2024

Many of the products in New York's licensed market are of very high quality and are on par with products from the illegal market in terms of THC % (many flower products with over 23% THC concentration) and other important factors contributing to a consumers' high and desired effects. Although some homegrown New York Weed products may not have as high of THC % and concentration and some products from Cali or in the illegal market (over 30% THC in flower for instance), many smokers may actually prefer this and the quality of buzz that the New York weed gives them.

With very high THC % flower and high concentrations in other products, consumers are often more likely to experience negative effects such as paranoia, anxiety, and other ill effects it's not easy or generally fast to come down from. So next time someone says "I don't think the New York Weed from these dispensaries is as strong as Cali brah", this actually may be a very good thing and may even save you from some unpleasant experiences.

Even daily smokers that have a very high tolerance have told us they are preferring New York weed right now to very high percentage THC products from Cali. Unless you're a consumer with an extremely high tolerance, it's likely the difference in strength of Weed from the licensed market and illegal market will be negligible. Whatever you choose to consume however, have fun and remember to consume as much as will be enjoyable and hopefully give you the effects you truly desire.

At DeliveryBudz, we encourage and allow consumers to rate products. Over time, this will help New Yorker's understand which products are best for them, and which products provide their desired effects.

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